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342 matches |  321-340 displayed
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Legal Analysis, Research, and Writing Program Recognized Nationally
The Legal Analysis, Research, and Writing (LARW) Program at Washburn University School of Law has be...

6455 days, 20 hours, 57 minutes, 39 seconds ago.

Oklahoma Judges to Address Women’s Issues in Professional Development
The OCU LAW Professional and Career Development Center will co-sponsor the 2007 Phi Delta Phi Ethics...

6455 days, 21 hours, 9 seconds ago.

Pacific McGeorge Programs Earn National Acclaim
Pacific McGeorge achieves distinction in having two programs noted among the nation’s top 20. Dean...

6455 days, 21 hours, 4 minutes, 51 seconds ago.

Mock trial team takes fifth
In its first trip to the national stage of the National Trial Competition, the Stanford Law School...

6456 days, 20 hours, 58 minutes, 34 seconds ago.

Koh considered likely candidate for Court
The first-ever Asian-American Supreme Court justice — still several years away from his nomination...

6456 days, 21 hours, 58 seconds ago.

Wealthy Connecticut School District Starts to Grapple With Racial Imbalance
More than half a century after the landmark desegregation ruling in Brown v. Board of Education, thi...

6456 days, 21 hours, 3 minutes, 54 seconds ago.

William Taft IV to Join Stanford Law School as the Warren Christopher Professor of the Practice of International Law and Diplomacy
Stanford Law School today announced the appointment of William H. Taft IV to the Warren Christopher ...

6456 days, 21 hours, 12 minutes, 13 seconds ago.

When Hanging a Shingle, Solos Are Reluctantly Solo
When Luz Herrera opened her solo practice in Compton, Calif., she had no idea how to bill or create ...

6456 days, 21 hours, 13 minutes, 9 seconds ago.

HLS ‘Drinking Club’ Goes Sober
Amid the imposing libraries and brick halls at the Harvard Law School (HLS), one building stands apa...

6456 days, 21 hours, 14 minutes, 28 seconds ago.

Chicago Fair Housing Clinic Assists Residents With Legal Issues
“April is Fair Housing Month. It’s a good time to remember fair housing is not an option, it’s...

6458 days, 22 hours, 37 minutes, 39 seconds ago.

Moot Court at Seton Hall School of Law
Law Professor Robert Fabrikant and his brother Mel attended Seton Hall University’s 14th annu...

6458 days, 22 hours, 39 minutes, 15 seconds ago.

UCLA School of Law Receives $5 Million Gift for Program in Public Interest Law and Policy
The UCLA School of Law has received a landmark $5 million gift from alumnus David J. Epstein. In rec...

6458 days, 22 hours, 40 minutes, 38 seconds ago.

Magazine touts Penn State?s Dickinson School of Law for minority enrollment
Penn State's Dickinson School of Law has topped a list of 200 law schools for percentage growth and ...

6458 days, 22 hours, 41 minutes, 54 seconds ago.

Misconduct code faces vote again
The Faculty Senate will look at revising the UA's policy on investigating misconduct in scholarly, c...

6460 days, 42 minutes, 39 seconds ago.

Open Web site hurts
The Web site touts itself as "The most prestigious college discussion board in the world." In 7 mil...

6460 days, 44 minutes, 42 seconds ago.

Female Economist Joins Law Faculty
A leading expert in law and economics has accepted an offer to join the Harvard Law School faculty, ...

6460 days, 49 minutes, 45 seconds ago.

OP-ED: Court visit to educate
As an attorney and now an educator, one of the most exciting things that can happen is to have a liv...

6460 days, 53 minutes, 30 seconds ago.

Not just drinking age
Twenty-one-year-olds of Colorado, start preparing your Senate campaign. Last week a measure to lower...

6460 days, 55 minutes, 58 seconds ago.

Online project at University of Pittsburgh targets legal
What started out as a simple clearinghouse of academic information for students at the University of...

6460 days, 57 minutes, 17 seconds ago.

Panel heralds new ‘Ms. J.D.’ Web log
While the 2001 comedy “Legally Blonde” played a law school student’s excessive hairdos for lau...

6460 days, 3 hours, 8 minutes, 54 seconds ago.

342 matches |  321-340 displayed
1  14 15 16 17 18 

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Law School Profile
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University of Michigan Ann Arbor School of Law

University of Michigan Ann Arbor School of Law

The University of Michigan Ann Arbor School of Law or the Michigan School of Law as it is popularly known is one of the oldest law schools of the U.S. and it consistently ranks among the top 10 law schools of the U.S. in rankings published by different sources and organizations. Michigan Law School is considered to have one of the best campuses and collegiate environment among U.S. law schools.

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