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BCG Attorney SearchLaw firm news from BCG Attorney Search

Alston & Bird Adds Structured Finance Partner B.K. Lee in New York

Alston & Bird has boosted its Finance Group and Structured & Warehouse Finance Team by adding partner Boong-Kyu (B.K.) Lee in New York.

Privacy and Data Security Attorney Hilary Lane Joins Ballard Spahr

Hilary Lane—an experienced privacy and data security adviser, media lawyer, and litigator—has joined Ballard Spahr.

New components and signals from social aggregation, diverse & natural linking portfolios, social sharing & Facebook Likes as wells as traffic and influence can absolutely differentiate your incoming links from that of a competitors. If a link [...]

Oftentimes, attorneys are asked to speak at an industry conference or seminar. I advise that attorney to offer his or her assistance in assembling and moderating a panel of experts in lieu of the solo speaking engagement. Why do I push for the panel? [...]

PPC management is just like any other practice, such as SEO or even nutrition, in which there are many ways to accomplish a goal and everyone has an idea of the best way. We spend a lot of time talking about what to do and how to do it. And when all [...]

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Maurer School of Law Forms Partnership with Asian and Pacific Islander American Scholarship Fund
By Jim Vassallo

  The Indiana University Maurer School of Law announced that it has entered into a memorandum of understanding with the Asian and Pacific Islander American Scholarship Fund (APIASF), according to a release from the school.The partnership will provide a mentorship and scholarship program to help the top Asian American and Pacific Islander students in the United States.Former undergraduate APIASF scholarship winners who were admitted to the Maurer School of Law will be offered scholarships that have...

Posted on: 02/15/2015 06:10 PM
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Student Profile sponsored by LawCrossing

Phillip C. ''Otiss'' Brown Wants To Teach Law and Simplify It For Others

Phillip C. ''Otiss'' Brown Wants To Teach Law and Simplify It For Others
By Nabeal Twereet

Personal Life

Phillip C. "Otiss" Brown is a second year law student at Taft Law School in the JDET program, a specialized Juris Doctor Degree and anticipates a December 2013 graduation. He plans are to be a Law school Professor, teach at a local college and also teach in the local High School and he hopes that would be Pelahatchie High.

Law School Profile sponsored by LawCrossing

University of Michigan Ann Arbor School of Law

University of Michigan Ann Arbor School of Law

The University of Michigan Ann Arbor School of Law or the Michigan School of Law as it is popularly known is one of the oldest law schools of the U.S. and it consistently ranks among the top 10 law schools of the U.S. in rankings published by different sources and organizations. Michigan Law School is considered to have one of the best campuses and collegiate environment among U.S. law schools.

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