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Teacher-Evaluation Bill Approved in Colorado

Colorado lawmakers passed landmark legislation that would make it tougher for public-school teachers to earn tenure and easier for them to lose it.

The bill—one of the most aggressive state efforts to overhaul teacher-tenure rules—went to Democratic Gov. Bill Ritter's desk Thursday. He has said he would sign it into law.

Posted on: 05/17/2010 01:41 PM
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University of Michigan Ann Arbor School of Law

University of Michigan Ann Arbor School of Law

The University of Michigan Ann Arbor School of Law or the Michigan School of Law as it is popularly known is one of the oldest law schools of the U.S. and it consistently ranks among the top 10 law schools of the U.S. in rankings published by different sources and organizations. Michigan Law School is considered to have one of the best campuses and collegiate environment among U.S. law schools.

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