21st Century Oil | By Amy E. Wong |
Mark Getty, grandson of oil tycoon J. Paul Getty, reportedly said, “Intellectual property is the oil of the 21st century.” This is a pretty acute observation, especially from someone whose family banked big from the oil industry. It’s true, though, today’s richest men h...
URL: http://magazine.iupui.edu/07/intellectual_property.html
17th Annual NAELS Conference | By Roshan Tolani |
Allen to deliver Quinlan Lecture at Oklahoma | By Gitanjali Hazarika |
Law students learn about military court system | By Roshan Tolani |
The United States Court of Appeals for the Armed Forces heard a brief by a Duquesne Law School student on March 15. The brief, presented by April Trimble and prepared with the assistance of fellow student Sal Bauccio, was a part of the “Project Outreach” program conducted in Duques...
URL: http://www.post-gazette.com/pg/07075/769980-298.stm
The Reality of the 51% Minority | By Roshan Tolani |
Legal analyst and law professor Lis Wiehl has written a book entitled “The 51% Minority: How Women Still Are Not Equal and What You Can Do About It.”Wiehl’s book serves as a crude reminder about women’s suffering and a call for women to acknowledge discrimination, learn legal...
URL: http://www.randomhouse.com/catalog/display.pperl?isbn=9780345469212
Stanford Law School receives $3.75 million to promote public service | Roshan Tolani |
Maine Law Hosts Environmental Law Expert as Visiting Associate Professor for Spring 2007 | By Amy E. Wong |
Get ready for Melissa Powers! This pollution-control expert is leaving her cozy position at the Pacific Environmental Advocacy Center at Lewis & Clark Law School to serve as a visiting professor at University of Maine School of Law for the spring 2007 term. If you are so inclined, si...
URL: http://www.usm.maine.edu/mcr/news/0607releases/EnvironLaw.htm
Difficult Dialogue: Desert Rock; Should We or Shouldn’t We Build It? | By Amy E. Wong |
After An Inconvenient Truth won an Oscar for “Best Documentary,” I got the impression that people across the nation concurred on the necessity of taking preemptive measures toward curbing greenhouse gases. Boy, was I misled. Tinsel Town only represents a small fraction of our...
URL: http://lawschool.unm.edu/announcements/dd-desert-rock.php
Flawed legal system threatens life and livelihood in Guyana | By Roshan Tolani |
Guyana, a land of rare species and rich minerals, is in deep trouble -- not because its GDP is decreasing, but because the region’s water is poisoned, because the fish they eat is contaminated, and because malaria is spreading. One of the poorest countries in the Northern hemisphere, Guyana na...
URL: http://www.thecrimson.com/article.aspx?ref=517598
Eight teams qualify for 25th Mock Trial State Tournament | By Roshan Tolani |